Advertise with NSNO

Provide the information below to get started on advertising with NSNO.

Web Advertising

Event listings are always free with North Shore Night Out. As long as you have a local gig with a limited promotion budget, we’re here for you.

For added exposure, NSNO also offers the following advertising methods on our home page:

  • Banner ads

  • Featured event listings

  • Sidebar ads

Social Media Advertising

We also have social media and a blog for opportunities like:

  • Event blasts on social media

  • Artist profile blogs

  • Music reviews

  • Special events announcements

Donate to NSNO

Running this site costs more than it earns. We’ll keep doing it because we like to, but if you want to throw some cash our way, we gladly accept.

Our Spotify Playlist

We’re all about local music. If you’re a local artist with a new release on Spotify, we can add it to your city’s playlist. Use the field below to submit your favorite song to one of our locals playlists.